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Wet Wednesdays

I was meant to post this back in October but then I forgot - so here it is - still funny now


Sometimes you need to take a day off work and take a work friend with you and enjoy the random laughs of the day. The work friend needed cheering up because most men (not all) men on dating apps are areseholes especially if they are ghosting your friend.

So we went for a day out to Machynlleth.  A town up the road and in the Dyfi Valley a mere 30 mins by train - and thats how we got there.

Mach as its affectively called is a place where the kids and I have had random days out over the years and always on a Wednesday as its market day. 

Except that Wednesday was very wet. A what my mate would call a little damp until I made a puddle in the chip shop.  And the market was finished by an hour after we arrived so no fresh veg for me!

 I took some random photos of our day out, including a stab vest in a charity shop and the most delicious mushy pea fritter ever.



