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Dentist visit the update

I wrote a post about being like a emu with my head in the sand..about not facing up to my fears
Today I took the step and went to the dentist.
First positive
 It doesn't look like one. It's very chill
 There is music on in the background.  

And then the scary bits. But they weren't awful scary. The dentist was lovely, really supportive. Asked lots of questions. I even had a mouth xray done which is  a weird thing. It looks a bit like the below except I had to rest my chin on it. And the outside bit went around. 

But I have bad teeth and bad gums so some have to come out. It's not going to be fun and  definitely not cheap but I've taken my steps. Steps that I need to carry on taking. I've booked a hygienist appointment and then I will need to book more dentist appointments. I'm actually adulting. And it's scary and horrible and I should have done it earlier. 

So if your in my boat,  don't put it off. Get it done. If I can so can you.



  1. Definitely keep adulting and taking those steps! And count your lucky stars that you only had to rest your chin for the xrays. At my dentist (and every dentist I've ever seen), they have to cram these little "films" into my small mouth in order to get the xrays.


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